A (Gentler) Introduction
If you’re reading this, you’re probably either started self studying physics or struggling through your first college physics class (like me!). I hope this online textbook can help you on your journey to physics mastery! :D
This online textbook is meant to mirror “An Introduction to Mechanics” by Daniel Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow (K&K). The textbook is sometimes nicknamed “Mechanics for Masochists” because of how theoritical and math heavy it can get, so this online reader tries to provide some more explanation and intuition behind the many equations. This reader is probably best read along side K&K, but the explanations in this reader should stand on their own.
Of course always remember that learning any technical subject requires solving lots of problems! We’ll walk through example problems but you should look to K&K and other mechanics textbooks for some practice (Introduction to Classical Mechanics: With Problems and Solutions by David Morin has over 600 problems too, and some great explanations!).
All right, let’s start!